Los PaleterosAdministrador2020-06-09T10:43:28+02:00 Los Paleteros VALENCIA – VENEZUELA Brief Paleteros is a shop of handmade ice pops, we are a dreamy brand that inspires utopian ideals and values, with hints of naivety, nostalgia for childhood and youth. DELIVERABLES Logo Brand Manual Packaging Tools Procreate Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Sketch Logo Brand Manual Aplication Ready to Talk? DO YOU HAVE A BIG IDEA, I CAN HELP WITH? Contact MeAfroCubaAdministrador2020-06-09T12:09:38+02:00 AfroCuba ISWSAdministrador2020-06-09T10:45:33+02:00 ISWS EndobioAdministrador2020-05-20T09:15:48+02:00 Endobio Los PaleterosAdministrador2020-06-09T10:43:28+02:00 Los Paleteros The Kentish BelleAdministrador2020-06-09T11:28:57+02:00 The Kentish Belle